Thursday, March 26, 2015

Playtimes and Pasttimes

Spring is here and we are loving it! The weather has been amazing. Lucy and I try to get out and enjoy the sunshine at least once every day, whether it's strolling or going to the park. Val and her kids came to Provo today, actually, and we were able to play at the park together. It was so fun! She's the cutest preggo mama of almost three, I just have to say. :) It'll be so fun to see what this next little guy will be like when he's born. And Dean and Rachel are just looking more and more grown up! It's amazing. Dean is such a little man, and such a gentleman. And he was so good with Lucy, following her when she'd wander too far, tossing a ball back and forth with her. It was so cute!

These days have been somewhat busy but wonderful nonetheless. Sam has been going crazy with school. This has been a very heavy semester with papers, reading, and tests, so I think he'll be in heaven next month when he graduates. We're still waiting to hear from BYU and USU for grad school. Exciting decisions and adventures ahead either way. :)

Lucy has been enjoying playing with her little friend Sam Blake each week. We got to have him over twice this week, and it was a blast. He is such a sweet boy! It's hilarious to see how the two interact, and how their interactions change as they grow.

(Apparently Lu thought his song was pretty funny!)

Friends since the womb days. ;) It's amazing to remember me and Dana being super pregnant, making preparations for the babies. She came over when I went into labor and we watched I Love Lucy, and talked, and ate yummies until Sam came home. Now look at these kiddos! We will be so sad when they move this summer!

A sweet and simple joy is strolling to campus to meet daddy/hot guy husband at the end of his school day. We walk home together and chat about our days while enjoying the fresh air and the fading sun. Yesterday Lucy and I sat outside and enjoyed some animal crackers while we waited for Sam to meet up with us. Ain't she just darling!?

Here are some other fun pictures of how Lucy likes to spend her days:

Trying on Daddy's shoes

 Sticking greeting cards in the printer

Pulling allllllll the clothes out of her drawers and dragging them all over the apartment!

Being cute and funny, and keeping us company :) We love this doll.