Thursday, March 27, 2014

Random tidbits of late

Lucy is almost 11 weeks old! At two and a half months, she is only bringing more and more joy into our life. She's sitting in the front pack sleeping against me as I type while we listen to "baa baa black sheep" on pandora, hehe. It has been one of those mornings where I want to do something, but also really just want to hold her close. Random note: she's getting heavier, whew! she's over 12lbs now. I know, it's not much once you have toddlers and older kids... but still. For us it's a milestone!

Random tidbits:

*Sam sprained his ankle a couple weeks ago while we were playing speedminton in the park. :( We drove straight to the health center and he came out with a brace and crutches! Luckily it healed quickly (YAY!). He's now walking around just fine! Thank goodness for technology and chiropractics. And I am also grateful for all the nice people on campus who encouraged him and offered him help while he was hobbling around from class to class. People are good.

*Lucy got sick for the first time. Fever, frequent blowouts, weird appetite, and lots of sleeping. All three of us got a yucky stomach virus of some sort. But we're all well and healthy again thankfully!

*We went to the park a couple days ago to eat lunch on a blanket. I took Lucy out of the carseat and was feeding her a bottle when a little 4-year-old girl named Daisy spotted Lucy and marched right over and asked "what your baby's name?" We said, "Lucy" and Daisy replied, "Hi Lucy!" A new friendship bloomed. Then her little dog ran over and peed on Lucy's carseat. ...... It was one of those "did that just happen??" moments to which we all just decided to laugh. Daisy's father came hurrying over and apologized, shooing the dog away and ushering his daughter to another location to fly kites. It was so funny, it made Sam and me smile. :) Good thing we had antibacterial wipes in the car.

*Lucy smiles and smiles! And COOS. Her little communication is so hilarious and precious. She also is very good at sticking out her lower lip and does a hilarious frowny face with her eyebrows. She's in 3 month clothes and size 2 diapers now! Goodness gracious they grow like weeds! It is so fun.

My Best Friend

Meet Sam Browning. He's my best friend. Words cannot even begin to describe how grateful I am to be able to share my whole life, eternity, everything with this man. He completes me! He literally wipes away my tears when I'm sad, laughs at my ridiculous corny jokes, rushes to my side when I need help, nourishes my spirit and reminds me of who I am when I feel lost or confused, fills my life with joy and adventure and fun, and is always waiting with arms open for a huge hug and kiss a gajillion times a day! Holding his hand never gets old. Neither does watching him change Lucy's diapers and sing to her. It has been so wonderful to see his and Lucy's relationship grow. Lucy absolutely LOVES her daddy. Last night she was crying very hard for a little while with some gas bubbles she couldn't get out. Poor girl was miserable. So Sam held her close and walked and rocked and soothed her. Then he decided to lie down on the couch with her and do infant tummy massage while singing "I Am A Child of God" to her over and over. Within a couple minutes she was quiet and still, and a couple minutes after that she was sleeping peacefully. Sometimes daddies are just magic. :)

Sam is always so thoughtful and loving, as a husband, father, and friend. As we've embarked on the daily journey of being parents and learning what Lucy needs, Sam is always there for me, knowing exactly what I need. When I need a break, when I need to snuggle our baby (we've been doing physical therapy for her neck/head because she favors one side and her head is a bit lopsided... the first time doing therapy was traumatic. Lucy and I were both bawling. Sam did the therapy because I couldn't bring myself to do the first one after seeing the pediatrician do it to her. It's just a series of stretches for her neck, but she hates it because it's uncomfortable and she feels forced, so she screams and cries and whimpers. After Sam finished therapy he asked if I wanted to hold her and patiently watched as I nodded and swooped her up from him and clutched her close to me trying to soothe us both. Now we both take turns with therapy and cuddling her after). He also knows when I just need to get out of the house and go for a drive! We've had some fun adventures together including driving out to Riverwoods shops to explore for an hour or so. Boy am I grateful to be able to share now and forever with Sam Browning. Words cannot adequately express how deeply I love and appreciate him.