Friday, September 27, 2013

25 weeks down, 15 to go!

Here we go, folks: the 25 week picture! This baby bump has really grown in the last month or two. People actually notice and say things, now, it's pretty funny. I've gotten several double takes and "Natalie, you're pregnant?!" "Wait... Are you expecting?!" I've realized it is now quite obvious to the world, and I'm actually pretty happy about it! For one thing, people aren't just thinking "Is she getting fatter?" and for another (and more importantly) there's a BABY in there! And boy does she remind me she's in there. She is constantly moving and kicking and flopping around! She typically stays pretty low most of the time, so I haven't had any limbs caught in the rib cage yet (thanks, Luce!). On the project to-do list besides finish her blankie: paint some cute wooden letters and a picture frame to hang above her changing table/dresser. :)

Sam-Daddy loves to sing songs to Lucy.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A New Kind of Lullaby

So Sam has been singing a lot to Lucy, and it's quite cute. I love seeing his excitement to be a dad, and I'm sure Lucy loves hearing her father sing her songs. His serenades to her usually consist of primary songs, nursery rhyme songs, church hymns, or made up songs he comes up with on the spot.

However,  last week (face pressed to my tummy) he added a new special song to his repertoire of lullabies for our daughter....

"Darth Vader's theme" from Star Wars.

..... Awesome.

We were in Wal-Mart the other day and he was "convinced" Lucy would love this child-sized Darth Vader toy. Haha! He DID come from a family of all boys. :) While Sam is thrilled to have a little girl, I think inside he's hoping Lucy will like a variety of things... if you know what I mean, hehe.

Who knows?

Fall has begun, and so have other preparations...

With the new Fall semester a week in and homework adding up, Sam and I have been figuring out our schedule and planning when to get things done. Besides school, we also have a list of projects we want to work on and finish soon. Such projects include:

1.) Drilling holes in the bottom of our new flower pots so Sam can re-pot his five beautiful Jades that are about to bust out of their current plastic pots. These lovely new pots were at Winco for only $2.75 each!


2.) Finish the baby blanket I'm trying to crochet for Lucy... a little progress! (Did I mention... IT'S A GIRL!!!)

3.) Organize the second room and transform it from an extra storage room into Lucy's bedroom! We've begun the process! Yesterday a friend from the ward called out of the blue to tell about this yard sale she drove by that was going on in Provo and had some baby things out front. We decided you know why not? Let's go check it out! Little did we know what we'd come back with. :) The couple was in the process of moving out of the country so everything had to go, including this beautiful baby crib and dresser! Both were solid and sturdy, in excellent condition, and we got a fantastic price for the both together. Before committing to the buy we did some research and called around and we found out that purchasing both new would probably total to a little over $400... So we figured $175 for both was a steal of a deal. We were thrilled! First yard sale purchase ever - CHECK! First big baby purchases - CHECK! It's starting to look like a baby room now (well, half of the room), and I get little heart flutters every time I walk in there and imagine coming into this room in the mornings to get Lucy up and get her ready for the day.

I love both the woods of the crib and dresser... they are so lovely! Cool part about the dresser: it doubles as a changing table. You just put one of those little foam shaped changing pads on the longer left side and it fits perfectly.

So I got a little excited and couldn't wait to fill her big top drawer with her tiny diapers and one package of wipes I've bought for her!

... And then I figured, well, we have a few baby clothes from Dan's sister Ashley... might as well put them in their proper places too!

Hair bows, a sun hat, and cute teeny shoes!

This is a random cute monkey trash can we saw at DI last year for a maybe a dollar and for some odd reason we couldn't pass it up. I think Lucy will like it.

Lucy's first picture of Jesus. :)

Sam was the MAN! He was so patient putting up the crib and moving the dresser with our friend Travis Johnston. Isn't he so cute with his tools?!

*SNIFF*! I don't think I've ever been as excited for winter to come.