Oh to feel the magic and excitement with and thru a child! This Christmas season has been so special already, and it's only December 6th! I am loving this time.
On Sunday in Relief Society we had a "silent lesson" where we were given a paper with various questions to fill out throughout the presentation. The presentation was a beautiful compilation of music videos, sections of talks from our church leaders, bible video clips, etc. It focused on the nativity and Christmas and how we can focus on Christ during Christmastime. The messages and music combined with time to ponder and reflect brought such feelings of gratitude in my heart . . . wonder . . . awe.
I started to think of questions I'd never thought of before. Like who were the shepherds? And why did they specifically need to see and angel and then the baby Christ? What did Mary and Joseph think when these miraculous occurrences and visitors came, particularly once the baby was born? Was it overwhelming for them? Was it comforting? Did it further confirm to them at those moments that they had no ordinary child?

My beautiful nativity is such a tender reminder in our home of the reason for this special festive season. :)
Provo got a good snow recently. Most of it's melted now, but it lasted for several days. The first decent snow of the season was super late compared to most years! Lucy was in awe. The babies were too! I held them all up to the window and we stared and stared at the fluttering white everywhere. Oliver cried when I moved him away from the window haha. Lucy stayed there off and on for hours that first day.

We built a snowman together! His name was Olaf! Surprise, surprise, right??

Bundled babies!!! We went to visit Daddy on campus the other day. These kids were not enjoying being bundled up and restricted in their sight and movement. But their mother was happy they were warm at least.

I have been loving these days!!! The day has come when our children can play together! It is so much fun to watch them. Occasionally I'm the referee. But most of the time they do awesome at this point. Oliver just sits contentedly forever, and Isabel crawls circles around him and follows Lucy around the apartment. Lucy is enjoying being able to interact with her siblings more, and I can tell it makes her feel good to know she's wanted by her siblings (especially Isabel).

Since we'll be with my family for Christmas, we decided to give our Christmas gifts to the kiddos early (plus it's giving me more time during the day to pack)! Needless to say, Lucy has been obsessed with her new castle tent! She's the cutest thing ever in this thing. :) It's kinda flimsy, but still super cool! $20 at TJ Maxx for the win!

Fun times!

And I just have to throw this picture in here and say how much I love my cute husband! :) I love being friends and companions together. And he's the best daddy for our kiddos. He's so sweet and patient with them. One of my greatest gifts that I'm especially cherishing at this Christmas time.
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