Friday, October 10, 2014

Fall has come again :)

Fall is here and I am LOVING it! The leaves are starting to change, it's getting nippy at nighttime, and I can't stop this craze to BAKE. We pulled out the last loaf of pumpkin chocolate chip bread I made a few weeks ago and finished it a few days ago. Sad face. I guess I'll have to make more before toooo long... ;)

Lucy is surprising us more and more with how smart she is! She is becoming such a funny little personality, full of life and curiosity. She is such a loving girl, so patient and forgiving with her mommy and daddy, and loves to dance in the kitchen to fun music. She has two teeth on the bottom and knows how to use them. Trying to brush them before bedtime is typically a very painful experience for me.

Her favorite song is "I Am a Child of God". We like to sing it with her before naps and bedtime or just to help her calm down, and yes... sometimes WITH her. Every now and then she'll "hum" along with us, it's so cute!

Her favorite movies are all the Baby Einstein movies. And quite frankly, I think they're my favorite too right now, but for different reasons, haha. :)

Now that she is completely mobile, we're getting a lot more exercise and are learning to multitask better (Thanks Luce!). I'm often doing a dance and contorting my body to block Lucy from the dishwasher while I attempt to reach across and unload so the mountain of dirty dishes in the sink can finally disappear. Sometimes I opt for the baby gate in the hallway, but the look of dejection I get from my daughter through the gate is both funny and heartbreaking at the same time. So often I do my mommy-block-the-baby dance.

She is SUCH A HAM! We are constantly cracking up at the things she does and the faces she makes. I love calling her name and hearing a little "pat pat rustle rustle" before seeing her smiling beaver-toothed face poke around the corner at me. It's so thrilling to see what excites her or makes her laugh. She laughs a lot now (yay!!!) and brings so much light and sunshine into our lives!

Our little goofball baby in the hood. :)

She loves food—when she's not too wound up and busy having fun. We're getting better at self-feeding and little finger foods! They're messy, but it's fun to see her examine the food textures and learn hand to mouth coordination (it's still a work in progress haha).

 She had lots of fun sitting on the potty at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Not toilet training yet, but a good potty-sit every now and then can't hurt, right? Plus who wouldn't want to sit on a Disney Cars training seat???

Daddy and Lulu reading stories. Lucy absolutely LOVES books and story-time now, and she's even learned to turn the pages oh so gently! I am so proud of her! Her favorite book right now is definitely "Five Little Ladybugs" (Thanks Aunt Melli!!)

Cooking in one of my adorable aprons from my mom! She actually bought this one at a cool costume store in downtown Sacramento. Such great memories. :) Halloween is coming!

I finally pulled out the wheat grinder after an extremely long time of it just sitting on our shelf. I think I was intimidated to use it. But now I'm asking myself why I didn't pull it out long ago?! I love it! The user manual sorta makes you feel like you're about to blow your house up, BUT! It's not that scary. Actually very simple. And it's so nice to be able to grind up my own fresh brown rice flour and other grains to cook up for Lucy's cereal in the mornings!

Teething biscuits. They look ugly. Hopefully Lucy likes them.

More baby food (and more to make later today!) Above we have a pumpkin/chickpea/ginger concoction, and a barley cereal mix. Later I'm hoping to make a chicken/apple/pasta, cantaloupe-something, and avocado-something. We've been trying to use up the nectarine stuff I made last month because it's getting slightly freezer burned. I don't think our bags are airtight. Luckily Lucy gobbles it up so I don't think it'll go to waste.

Besides loving being parents and me being eaten up by the baking and cooking bug, Sam and I have been enjoying school. I'm taking my two capstone courses at the same time, one for my major and one for my minor. It's busy, but having only two classes a semester is much more cushy than I've experienced before... and I'm really liking it! Plus, having Lucy adds a WHOLE new dimension of busy to everyday life. So it's felt perfect for now. I'll graduate this December and wonder, "What next?" for a little while, I'm sure. Sam is graduating in April and is currently taking a full load. He just took the GRE and is anticipating applying to BYU's IP&T program for next Fall. We are loving life each day, trying to fit everything in and prioritize and re-prioritize when needed. Heavenly Father's hand has really been in our life and we are so grateful for the strength and joy He blesses us with each day. Watching General Conference last weekend brought much needed guidance and was so uplifting and strengthening! Life is wonderful, even when it's hard. God is good and loves His children. And we are so grateful for our amazing family and friends who all mean so much to us!

1 comment:

  1. This post made my heart so happy!!! I, too, love autumn. The air, the leaves, the smells, the cooking, etc. The pix of Lucy were so cute. Joyful life.
