Friday, September 27, 2013

25 weeks down, 15 to go!

Here we go, folks: the 25 week picture! This baby bump has really grown in the last month or two. People actually notice and say things, now, it's pretty funny. I've gotten several double takes and "Natalie, you're pregnant?!" "Wait... Are you expecting?!" I've realized it is now quite obvious to the world, and I'm actually pretty happy about it! For one thing, people aren't just thinking "Is she getting fatter?" and for another (and more importantly) there's a BABY in there! And boy does she remind me she's in there. She is constantly moving and kicking and flopping around! She typically stays pretty low most of the time, so I haven't had any limbs caught in the rib cage yet (thanks, Luce!). On the project to-do list besides finish her blankie: paint some cute wooden letters and a picture frame to hang above her changing table/dresser. :)

Sam-Daddy loves to sing songs to Lucy.


  1. Nat, these are the cutest pregnant pics ever! You look ravishing in red! Love them and love you!

  2. Nat! You are such a cute pregnant lady! Can't wait to see you in a couple months.

  3. Awwww! I got tummy tickles just reading the post and seeing your cute faces! Love it!!! I are so cute Nat and that is a good color on you! And Sam is just as cute as ever, too. I can hardly wait to meet little Lucy!
