I have heard a lot of people say that sleeping when you're pregnant can be rather difficult... as my Nat rocks the house for our little one's dance party each night its a wonder anyone sleeps. In an effort to keep things under control--and so Nat can be comfy--we turned that dance floor into a padded bounce house....
...bounce houses take up a lot of real estate
and due to the nature of the party, tend to get bigger as the night rolls on
...sometimes its hard to cuddle your pregnant wife
and you may be left with the last pillow remaining.... that is if Bernard the Unicorn has been left out of the dance party.
I do love that I often get to help my Nat each night.
Nat has a much accredited history as a starfish sleeper (belly up, and arms outstretched above her head as if welcoming the rays of a beautiful California Sun). For all who don't know, if a pregnant wife sleeps on her back, the weight of the baby can really slow down the blood flow to both her and the baby (which isn't good). This has made Nat's starfish sleeping become very uncomfortable for both her and baby. .
Whenever I find in the night that my little starfish has come back, I help her back into her bounce house
First things first. While that California Sun is so inviting... well you get the idea
rolling her onto her side took some finesse at first, doing it ever so gently would ensure that she slept right through it....
lift belly (yes its big enough to do that now), insert pillow
The pillow between the knees can be particularly exciting (I'm usually hoping she doesn't start dreaming about kicking canines or something) I love that when I put her leg down she usually smiles and mumbles a thank you
and to finish it all, I shove a pillow under her back. It helps her so that she doesn't have to sleep completely on her side, which hurts her shoulder.
Oh the joys of awkward outtakes.....
you guys are too darling :)