Who knew less than a year after this:
We'd find ourselves with a special package on the way like this:
Sam and I are thrilled to have a little one on the way. When I found out I was home alone one afternoon while Sam was still in class. I had been having symptoms for a week or two (eating obscene amounts of ice cream, going to the bathroom every hour, extra emotions, etc etc) and Sam and I had joked about "Oh man, that'd be hilarious if you were pregnant..." But one afternoon it suddenly hit. I should find out. Today. I tried to put it off, thinking those at-home tests are more accurate if you wait till you're a little further along. I tried to dismiss it. But.... to no avail. The longest five minutes of my life inched past as I sat in the kitchen, eating a quesadilla half-heartedly and waiting for the results. TIME! I ran and looked at the test. Definitely a positive. Oh... a positive! WAIT WHAT?!?!? The next hour was filled with pacing, laughing, crying, and praying. I was thrilled! How to tell Sam?! I decided on setting up a scavenger hunt with sticky notes that led him around the house... eventually ending up at the oven. His reaction was priceless when he opened up the oven to find a banana muffin accompanied by a fortune cookie fortune that read "Good news is on the way." Our family members' reactions were pretty great too. Three separate members of my family all asked, "IS THIS APRIL FOOLS?!?!" to which I responded.. "Well.... it's May." Now, a couple months later, it's starting to feel more and more real. Hearing the baby's heartbeat a couple weeks ago was absolutely amazing. 165 bpm. It's an actual human living and growing inside me! Whaaaa! Sam's been awesome, singing and conversing with my tummy, making up songs about our child being nice and not kicking its mommy's spleen too much, and singing primary songs as well. Hahah! At first it was of weird to have someone addressing my abdomen, but it's so adorable now! My mom suggested last month I start taking those classic belly pictures to track how we grow and change. Here are the first two... You can see a TINY difference, no?
<--- about 10 weeks
just under 14 weeks --->
More to come, so stay tuned... :)
I love this post! You are so cute, Nat! :)
ReplyDeleteI loved this post, TOO! lol. Such fun things ahead!