Monday, November 5, 2012

A lovely beginning!

Natalie here! So I can't stand it anymore! I've been loving all these cute and fun blogs by my sisters and sisters-in-law and married friends, etc... I've decided to join the ranks. Sam's an author as well, so we'll see if he posts anything. You can be sure I'll be blogging away (it is quite fun and addicting, no?). It's a fun way to journal and keep updated with the fam! I figure, since it's the beginning of this blog, why not start with our own beginning to this new chapter on life: marriage!!!

 Sam and I were married July 28th, 2012 in the beautiful LDS temple in Sacramento, CA. It was the epitome of the fairytale wedding I'd always dreamed of! Our family and friends worked so hard and did so much to make this day as special and memorable as possible and BOY HOWDY did they succeed!!! :) It was so wonderful to all be together and feel the binding power of forever families and loving closeness of our Heavenly Father. As I walked out of the temple holding hands with my new husband it hit me--we are now sealed forever. Best friends and eternal loves. My heart will ever be filled with joy and gratitude to be the wife of Sam Browning!
(pictures in this post by
Gettin' ready for the party!
Sam helped in the kitchen while I got pampered and dolled up by my mom and sis. They're all so great. Seriously.
(I honestly felt a little guilty!)

Newlywed Browning!

*Whistle Whistle!*

The reception was breathtakingly gorgeous (as was the open house a few weeks after in Ogden, UT)!

The whole gang!

This picture made me LAUGH! Two little boys stuffing their cheeks full of Jelly Beans under the table. So cute. :)
 It was such a blast to see how much fun the little kids all had eating and playing and dancing!


The funny surprise our friends left for us to find as we got ready to leave... way to keep it classy guys!  ;)

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