I find personality one of the most fascinating things to discover about my children. A person's personality doesn't start as a toddler or even a baby. We came with our own personalities we had before. How we exhibited our traits and personalities in the life before this one I don't know. But it's amazing to feel the differences between each individual even in their early months and years, and to see how their own personalities come out.
Here's what I've observed about my children.
Lucy needs to feel capable and that she's doing a good job. This is incredibly meaningful to her. She loves being able to do things on her own, and have it recognized that she did well. If the twins do something good and are praised, she's quick to point out what she did. If the twins do something naughty, she's quick to point out that she did not do that naughty thing.
She also likes to feel like a big girl. She'll sometimes start conversations with "When I was 2 (or 3)—when I was a little kid— I used to . . ."
Lucy loves being useful and helpful. She loves helping others and making them happy. She serves excitedly, even as a small child. And she's always thinking of things to do for people, pictures to color for people, asking if we can share our Costco muffins with our neighbors, begging to take a valentine card to the kid at church she hasn't seemed to get along with just to make them happy.
Lucy is EXCITED about life! She is happy and bubbly, and is full of energy! She comes up with grand ideas and plans for the day, and tells me "all her great plans!" "Here's the plan, Mom!" she'll start out. I wish I had half the energy she does. And confidence. And freedom from inhibitions. Lucy is very much like her daddy. If the idea seems great, why not do what it takes to make it happen? I love this about them.
Lucy is rarely afraid of people, and believes everyone should be friends. I've seen her so happy to be with all types of people and children. From babies and toddlers, to any age of adult, Lucy is glad to have a chat, show them what makes her happy, and do nice things for them. She also likes to be the center of attention, haha. She also loves putting on dancing shows and singing songs to people.
Lucy can mold to people around her a little bit. She feeds off of my personality and emotions sometimes. If I'm frustrated, she'll act frustrated. If I'm worried about something, she'll worry more about that thing. I sometimes have to remind her that she does not have to act like O&I's mommy, that she can alert me if there's a problem, but to leave scolding and discipline to mom and dad. She's quick to suggest vitamins, allergies, doctor visits, and come up with reasons why things didn't turn out how she hoped.
Lucy is incredibly empathetic. She feels deeply. She wants to understand. Life, reasons, science, time, outer space, animals, feelings, people, behaviors. She wants to know why.

(And sometimes she asks for salad/lettuce for snack. What a kid!)
Oliver is SO independent and content. He is a happy child, like his sisters, but in a different way. His sisters have a very loud enthusiastic joy that must be shown and shared with others. Oliver is more quietly happy. He enjoys company, but does not rely on it for peace or security nearly as much as his sisters do. Isabel was chomping at the bit to walk, run, learn all things gross motor and pave the way. Ollie, on the other hand, waited till 17-18 months to walk (or even try, really). Didn't like putting weight on his legs till maybe 15 months (one doctor was a little concerned at first, and encouraged us to keep working with him; another doctor said it seemed just like his personality: chill and content).
He has better fine motor skills and patience with waiting, observing, and figuring things out.
He doesn't like his hands to feel messy. Frosting has been a no-go 2 birthdays in a row.
In nursery class at church, I've seen him play with a toy, get it taken away from him by another kid, and calmly wait while he plays with something else until his toy is free and then he'll make a bee line for it again. (Unless it's a Thomas the Train toy... then he'll fight and scream for it.)
Ol needs his space. He entertains himself a million times better and longer than the girls do. He's okay with being himself and doing his thing in his own little world. And while he is loving and appreciates hugs and tickles, if you try to smother him too much he'll push away and complain. If the girls are persistent and don't leave him alone, he'll get mad and try to whack them away with his hand or a toy. Then he'll keep doing his thing.
Oliver needs his DADDY! Sam is his favorite. Ol will choose Sam over me 9 times out of 10. He's got to have the guy time. He's desperate for that.
Oliver needs his sleep. He's like Linus from Charlie Brown. His blankie is magic for him. And it HAS to be a homemade crocheted one. Not any blanket will do (thank goodness for a mother that crochets the best blankies!). He prefers my mom's blankets to mine, haha. If he's tired, he'll just go grab his blankie and lay down somewhere, waiting for you to put him to bed. If he's overly tired, that's when the bear side comes out. If he's inconsolable, the first thing we double check is his level of sleep. That's often the culprit, and once we place him on his bed he's peaceful and calm. He has always slept well thru a lot of Izzy's shenanigans and noise.
Sometimes Oliver still needs love and touch. He needs to know he's noticed. And he enjoys being together. But he appreciates play and story time to happen on his terms. There are certain books he likes you to read him. But others, he prefers to just hold by himself and look at certain pages with pictures he likes most.
His favorite animals are cows and elephants. He also slightly obsessed with the sun and the letter X. He loves all things cars, tractors, trains, balls. But he will happily enjoy watching an episode or two of Pinkalicious with his sisters.
He's also developed a LOVE of music, especially anything jazzy or funky. This kid has rhythm. And his dance movements are subtle, cool, and originate from his gut/core. It's so cute haha. He loves to sing, and can sing "I Am a Child of God" and "ABCs." You can often hear him plinking on the piano at home.
Ollie looks out for his sisters and they look out for him (even though they all push each other's buttons too).

Isabel will be the kid that'll give me 10X the gray hairs the rest of my children will combined. Everything about her is LOUD and INTENSE! She RUNS everywhere. Her voice has one volume: MAX. Whether she's happy or sad, she's intense. It's hilarious when she's in a good mood, awful when she's not. She tantrums the most, screams and yells the most, cries the most, gets injured the most, and pushes everyone's buttons the most. Other children call for me "Moooommy?" She hollers at me "MAM! MAM!!!!!!" making her voice screech a very shrill note at the end.
She's also ALWAYS WANTING FOOD! 50 times a day I hear her little voice pipe up "Hungine! Sack! Food? Open door?" and she's running to the pantry or the fridge, haha! She's always hungry. Probably because she's always running everywhere. And when she eats, it's usually double or triple the mess Ollie makes, regardless of what the food is. Like I said, everything is more intense with Izzy. Including cleanup.
Now lest you think she's nothing but a little bear with blonde wispy curls, there is a flip side, folks. And this flip side is what gets me thru when I'm thinking "What on earth do I do with you, child?" Here's the flip side of Iz.
Isabel is also one of the most loyally loving children. I know all my children love and need me. She is by far the most connected to me. And not only in her needs and attachment, but how she interacts with me. When we interact, she is completely focused.
Eye contact is important to her. If I'm looking elsewhere, she'll happily lean her face in front of mine and smile big to get my attention.
Touch is one of her love languages. She is very loving and is always coming up for hugs and snuggles, leaning her head on me and saying "awwww!" She's very physical, always touching, patting, rubbing, grabbing, poking, hugging, tickling, flopping on, and leaning on people (especially me). She is always pushing to be the one in the center of my lap (or anyone else's that comes to visit). She also asks for kisses and sometimes tried to plant kisses on me or Oliver.
Her hearty laugh is contagious and theraputic. <3
She also likes to make sure everyone is taken care of and has what they need. She's always bringing Oliver his sippy cup and binky throughout the day, shouting "Here, Oliver!" She loves to share food and snacks with others, and sometimes toys. She shares with Oliver the most. She mothers and helps him, and she bosses him around and does things to get a reaction out of him sometimes. While she and Oliver could not be more different in personality for twins, they also have a special little connection being twins, and it is so fun to see. It's strengthened since they've had more freedom in "big kid beds" in their room. They're often making each other laugh and giggle as they're winding down. :)
I've realized when she needs help calming down, simply opening up my arms will usually do the trick. She'll come for a cuddle and melt right in. She's a strong, red type personality. If someone butts heads with her she'll fight tooth and nail. And she'll make sure you see her and hear her tantrum!
However, she also has a soft spot in her heart for wanting to please, just like Lucy. She's constantly exclaiming "I did it!" about lots of things she does, and runs up with a big grin for praise and love and celebration. While Lucy typically tries to be obedient, Isabel is more focused on getting her way. If I'm stern with her, she'll either freak out and fight back, or she'll cry and have her feelings very hurt (and will need lots of hugs to feel better).
Isabel looks up to Lucy a lot. When Lucy pays attention to her, Izzy is usually smiling pretty big, and often giggling. She'll sometimes follow Lucy around. When the kids all get up in the morning, Isabel is always quick to greet her big sis "Hi Wu-see!" and is always trying to share with and show things to Lucy. I can tell she needs Lucy's attention, acceptance, and approval. And we as their parents feel like Lucy will have a big influence on Isabel, and hopefully for good.

(Always demanding we multi-task, because she has priorities that are important too!)

(She LOVES Lucy's hugs and help.)

(Mouth stuffed with food, trying to say "cheese!")

(One of the many battle wounds Izzy has gotten)

(Oh I love this sweet face!)
Well, Zachary Jim isn't born yet, but he seems like he'll be just as busy as his siblings! He is super active, always moving and kicking up a storm in my belly. We feel like he's a special spirit that needed to come down to our family quickly—quicker than originally planned, for whatever reasons— and we are thrilled to love on him, learn from him, and see his personality grow and develop! It'll also be interesting to see how his addition will shift the family dynamics in the future. We love him and can't wait for June!