Thursday, October 8, 2015

Some things I must share :)

Watching Lucy change and grow every day is unbelievable. She's transforming into a fully fledged toddler. The baby is pretty much gone now, and while it's a little sad it's also so much fun! It's amazing. I love that she's becoming more independent. She's such a smartie and understands a lot.

Some of the things we tell her to do often includes "go get socks!" "Sit down on your bum" "bring your food back to the kitchen, please" and "can mommy have your toothbrush now?" For a not even 2-yr-old, she's really quite good at obeying, which warms my heart. Occasionally she'll flat out say "no!" But mostly she's playful and goofy when she tests me. ;)

Lately she's been cracking us up over her new sayings. She's starting to put phrases together and combining words. Here are some of the more recent words and phrases she's enjoying lately:

  • burp
  • a toot
  • poop
  • kick a ball!
  • kick it!
  • ooooootay...
  • oh-right (alright)
  • pair time (prayer time)
  • aaaaMEN!
  • tat (cat... usually refers to a spelling game on my phone with a cat face on the icon)
  • all done

There are so many more! Her vocab is ever expanding, especially as she starts to copy our mannerisms and words more and more (we gotta be careful! haha).

I feel bittersweet when I think this is Lucy's last fall as an only child. We are thrilled to be blessed with three children. But there's just something special about that first one, and the time you have to devote to just him/her. We are striving to make memories and love and enjoy this time as we prepare and look forward to our two babies coming in just 4ish months!