As the Fall arrives, so do more pregnancy symptoms! I've had a perpetually stuffy nose for weeks now, usually a bit bloody whenever I blow my nose (thanks to increased blood flow swelling up my nasal passages). And I did something to my back that's caused pinching pains in my lower back and tailbone! I went to the chiropractor but it's still there. So, I've been extra careful lately, and not up to as much between my back and growing belly. Lucy has been very patient with me, though she's pretty disappointed when I won't pick her up and swing her around as much anymore. When daddy comes home, that's the first thing she wants—rough housing and swinging around! And his keys. Sam is such a sweet dad, comes in from school and work and the first thing he does is give me a big kiss and workout his arms with a giggly toddler. :)
Because I haven't been feeling quite as strong and "up to stuff" as before, I've had to be a little creative with how Lucy and I spend time during the day . . . which has actually been a blessing! I've been able to think of new things for her and us to do. And I've been giving her little bits of more freedom, which she's handled well. Some fun things we love to do during the day include:
- read lots of storybooks!
- cook/bake together
- snuggle
- do laundry together
- take naps
- clean and tidy things
- puzzles
- toys
- dance to music! Lucy twirls and twirls.
- tickle chase/tag
- coloring and stickers
- play with pipe cleaners in a colander
- play with a jar of rainbow pompom puffs
- work on letters, numbers, colors, etc. Lucy loves counting to 10, and she's almost there! "one, two, four, sik, eight, NINE! ten."
- watch Curious George or Elmo's World (her new favorites beside Veggie Tales Noah)
- eat/snack
- go on outings
I've also tried a couple new hairstyles in her hair finally!
A week and a half ago we went to Sam's mission reunion. It was so much fun seeing familiar faces (along with a ton I don't know). President and Sister Irwin are the sweetest couple in the world! They're so kind and gentle, giving us all warm hugs. Sister Irwin held my face and asked "How are you, sweets? Are you well?" :) They're from England, and President Irwin is actually now the temple president of the London temple. But every couple years they come to Utah while the temple's being cleaned and hold a reunion for the Czech/Slovak missionaries. Lucy enjoyed running around, getting smiles and attention from random people, and eating potato chips.
Us with Sister Irwin :)
I made homemade applesauce in the crockpot with Ben and Katie's AMAZING homegrown apples.
Plus about 8-9 dozen cookies for Sam's grad program. Every Wednesday they have a seminar and soup kitchen lunch, and people sign up to bring treats each week. When Sam signed up I told him I was more than happy to make treats for him to bring. That led to me getting a little carried away, perhaps. But it was fun! Kickin' craisin cookies, Butterfinger peanut butter cookies, and good ol' chocolate chip.
Last but certainly not least . . .. OUR BABIES ARE HEALTHY!
Baby A (right) and Baby B (left)
Seeing our twins on the ultrasound Monday was so incredible!! They were so cute and squirmy, wiggling and adjusting around in there. Baby A was taking up space, and Baby B was just nestled in the corner, partially behind Baby A. They're growing well and right on schedule (Baby B was only slightly bigger, both weighed about 4 oz), organs functioning, no cleft lip/palate. We saw their heartbeats, their brains, bones, their little bodies and faces! They are so real, and we love them so much.
And..... (drumroll)..... we saw the genders!!! Because I was only 14.5 weeks, they said it was still a bit early to see in great detail, so they'd want to confirm with another ultrasound around 20 weeks (5-6 weeks from now... ugh!). But.... we totally saw the genders, they saw, and our gender ultrasound pictures are labeled! We haven't announced on Facebook or anything yet, because we figure we might as well wait till 20 weeks and they confirm for sure. But our family members and a few friends know. And we couldn't be happier! :)