But watching our sweet daughter grow and change so much every day has made me feel desperate to grab time and hold on tight! She learns new words and understands more concepts every week. She's constantly getting stronger, more capable, more independent, and more coordinated (phew). It's incredible to watch! From conception (and before) to forever, life is such a miracle and awe.
Our little fearless girl! Her first time on a playground was a total success.
Some of my favorite Lucy-isms right now include her new variety of dance moves, her fake cheezer cry when she wants attention, her hugs and kisses, how she sings "EIEIO", the way she tries to pronounce "Q", how she loves walking backwards and with her eyes closed, and how she lets us hold her hand walking around in public places. She's more independent, but she's also become a little more tolerant to our parent-isms too, which has been nice. :)
As we watch her develop, we are also thinking of our twins developing inside me! We are so thrilled to be having twins. Yes, it'll be an adventure, and yes there will be challenges. But WE ARE SO EXCITED!!! At 23, I feel so young to be having 3 kids soon (I'll be 24 when the twins are born). But the Lord works in wonderful ways that are not always (if ever) anticipated. :) And I'm glad.
That belly is a good month or more ahead of schedule than it was last time! It's popping out quick!
We are so excited to find out what type of twins they are, and the genders! My prediction is either identical boys or one of each gender. But we'll see! I really don't know. I'll be 11 weeks this Friday. September 8th is my next appointment, and a month from then we'll find out the stats on the twins (at my 16 week appt.). A month and a half! A month and a half! We might be able to see the genders then in we're lucky.
What we do know about them includes:
- they are in separate inner sacs (not sure about the outer sac yet). This is very good! When twins are both in the same inner sac together it's a much higher risk pregnancy for me and them. So lower risk is a relief!
- They each have heartbeats! We saw both their hearts pulsing/beating side by side on the ultrasound. It was so amazing and unbelievable.
- Right now they should be about the size of prunes or small limes.
- They have elbows! Still working on the knees.
- tooth buds in gums, nail beds, and hair follicles are already forming
- Lots of working organs already
- they look more human and less amphibian! The webbing between their fingers and toes are going away now.
- They're twins
- We love them
And in case anyone's interested . . . This time around, just gimme that savory/salty/starchy goodness! I still want treats of course, but not quite like last time. This time I just want FOOD! I have a lot more food aversions, but it's nice to crave real food more often.
Also of note . . .
We said farewell to our beloved turquoise car and joined the ranks of minivan families! It was so sad to see our little FIT go. "Perry" we called it. I'll miss never having to remember where I parked. But alas, three car seats would NOT fit in it. So we are enjoying our van, which feels ridiculously spacious for only three people haha. But it'll fill up in the future!
Also, I HAVE to say I am so incredibly grateful for Sam. He is a complete champ, and the best husband I could have ever hoped for. He is constantly giving, serving, helping, loving, shoulder massaging, listening, forgiving, and laughing with me as I try to feel more like myself. He even surprises me with beautiful lilies when I'm feeling yucky and grumpy. He is a total keeper and I am so blessed. :)