Lucy's been growing so fast and keeps amazing us and making us laugh. She's rolling now! She can roll from her back to her side and to her belly (still gets her arm caught under her, though). She's rolled from her belly to her back a few times but that's it. That one's harder for her to do. She getting better and better each day, though. Sometimes Sam or I will hold out our finger when she's lying on her back. She'll reach up and grab hold, then pull herself over to her side and belly! So cute. She's getting much more coordinated with her hands and is reaching and grabbing lots! She is also snuggling more and mama is LOVING that. It feels so good to snuggle a snuggly baby! She is such a happy girl and a joy in our home. We love her so much!
She and Sam like to dance irish jigs together:
She's easy to get smiles out of, but not always laughs. However, recently Sam has been able to get some of her best little giggles! Heart melt.
Here are some other things from the last couple of months:
*The teething and chewing continues like crazy
She loves to hold hands. She finds our large hands and fingers interesting and holding them is comforting and soothing and helps her fall asleep. (Thanks Kristen for the tip! You're right, it totally works). I love these precious moments.
Lucy is looking more and more like a little individual and less and less newborn (bittersweet!). It's so exciting to see her change and develop. It also brings an acute awareness that she'll never stay the same. That soon she really will be grown up and no longer this precious angel baby needing everything from us, crying for her binky in the night, smiling and sleeping in my arms after nursing, overwhelming her parents with joy for each laugh and coo. Each day is a reminder to cherish the next and record it in my heart and mind (and blog).
She loves her "Quack Quack." This little blue and green duck is definitely her buddy. They go most places together.
We had another follow-up appointment with Dave, the guy who works in Orthotics who created Lucy's helmet. He took measurements of her head and did the math, comparing it with her original and with normal numbers for her age group and said she's making awesome progress! She's close to a normal range and will have another appointment in a few weeks. Then he'll be able to estimate how much longer she'll need her helmet. Wahoo! Go Lucy!
We have been loving the fabulous weather lately, and taking walks is such a joy. Warmth, sunshine, blue skies, gorgeous mountains, and a happy girl who loves being outside and looking around.

Lucy is often begging like a puppy for our food now. Tomorrow we're giving her her first taste of solid food! Rice cereal!!! If she does great with that for a week or two it's green light for pureed veggies, fruits, sweet potatoes, and more. Hooray! I'm excited to make a lot of Lucy's baby food by steaming the food, pureeing it in its water in the blender, and pouring it in ice cube trays to freeze in little portions. My friend gave me the idea and I thought it was genius. So easy and healthy!
Tummy time and neck therapy are getting better and better! YAY! Lucy is such a tough girl. We are so proud of her.
I cut Sam's hair extra short for the summer. He was very kind and patient (as always) and convinced me to try using the shaver with the longest attachment. Well... I took off the attachment to clean up the edges and doggone it forgot to put it back on to even out the back?! LUCKILY (thank heavens!) I didn't do too much damage before realizing and grabbing that attachment. GULP. I was able to somewhat fix it and after Sam washed his hair it wasn't really that noticeable anymore. Gotta love these learning experiences! HAHA! I am very much still figuring out how in tarnation to cut a guy's hair. But I'm getting a little better I think!
Other things:
1. I will never buy single-ply toilet paper again. I thought "Oh, it's way cheaper!" But you have to use half a roll to do anything with it! Lesson learned. Find a good deal, but cheapest isn't ALWAYS the best choice.
2. I am really enjoying my internship! Articles galore. I'm writing a couple a week (sometimes more sometimes less) and they're being published on It's a fabulous publishing company that publishes articles and books all about the family. It's felt so good to get back to writing more (other than school papers). I'm looking forward to improving my writing and hopefully getting more published. I'd love to publish a book or two someday.
3. I am going through a Pinterest craze. And I'm loving it! We've found so many wonderful recipes we love. The other day I made a beautiful pumpkin cheesecake that was DELISH. Yummy! It was my first time using a springform pan and was so pleasantly surprised it worked perfectly! Didn't even crack on the top at all!
4. I am also going through a cheesecake craze. After making the pumpkin cheesecake I decided I want to get really good at making cheesecakes (as it is my very favorite dessert in the world) and I want to experiment and try cool new cheesecakes. I must specify: the baked and chilled dense cheesecakes. They are by far the best in my opinion. None of the whipped pudding "cheesecake" stuff. :) Next on the list: chocolate rhubarb cheesecake. Can't wait!!! I'll let y'all know how it goes...
5. I'm happy to have reached my pre-pregnancy weight after having Lucy. However, I've realized the numbers don't really mean everything. Size and health are two very different things. Plus, muscle weighs more than fat and I've pretty much lost all dancing muscle, haha. I'm not in shape AT ALL! I get so winded just walking to campus still. So, without regard to numbers, I've decided I want to get IN SHAPE! Yoga with Sam and Spencer has been a great way to ease in to it, but now that the weather is nice I'm really excited to start running more. I used to love running. When I was in high school (after Ash and Val kicked my butt into better shape) I'd love to go out with my ipod and run outside up and down the hill when I was restless, upset, bored, excited. It felt so good. I realize I'll have to get back over the hump for runner's high to feel that good again but I'm ready to get there. I liked enjoying exercise. I want to like it again. :) Commitment recorded! Now I have to do it!
6. Sam and my favorite new snacks:
TWISTOS (especially the bruschetta flavor)
Veggie Straws (honey mustard flavor)
... good eats.